Dried flowers fascinator with sparkling wine

Dried Flowers Fascinator Classes

Come join us for a fun and creative experience at our dried flowers fascinator classes!

Get ready to unleash your inner artist and learn how to make stunning fascinators using beautiful dried flowers.

Our classes will be held at 1 Wyndham St, Alexandria NSW, Australia. This charming location is the perfect setting to let your creativity bloom.

During the class, our experienced instructors will guide you through the process of creating your own unique fascinator. You'll learn various techniques, from arranging the dried flowers to attaching them to a headband or comb.

Whether you're a beginner or have some previous experience, our classes are suitable for all skill levels. It's a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow flower enthusiasts, share ideas, and have a great time.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to dive into the world of dried flowers fascinators. Join us at 1 Wyndham St, Alexandria NSW, Australia for a delightful and memorable experience!